Keep on drawin' in the free world
In this day of national mourning, you will find some illustrations in reaction to the massacre committed on January 7th, in "Charlie Hebdo" newspaper's Paris headquarters.
"... We will write and draw the next issue of Charlie Hebdo with our tears ..." said Patrick Pelloux, emergency physician and columnist at Charlie Hebdo, this morning on France Inter radio.
Let's support without hatred and without getting dimmer the survivors of Charlie Hebdo for to allow the fight for freedoms continues. Subscribe or buy when you can the next issues of the satirical newspaper which becomes cruelly, the symbol of a freedom in danger.
Whatever your current arts are, react with the weapons of your mind : words, music, drawings and other artistic tools and please, let the violence to the weaker minds and don't become like those you dread.
To react with music, I choose the Neil Young's song "Keep on rockin 'in the free world.
Jacques Carbonneaux - January 8, 2015 - - FaceBook Charlie Hebdo